This article is a good synopsis on what has happened so far in this roller coaster few weeks and it is impossible to predict. The one constant in both Trump 1.0, Trump 2.0 and everything in between has been his desire to move against China, hence his concentration in getting rid of the other US international commitments. Since the 1990s the US has adopted a scattergun approach diluting their efforts and alienating/destroying many wouldbe allies. It is also exceedingly expensive.

The problem in dealing with China is that this is 2025 and not 2018. The first Trump Administration was the inoculation, where the patient - China - had issues on how to deal with Trump, and led Beijing to temporise with Trump (the $200 Billion purchase of US goods deal). The Biden Administration was the booster in continuing and deepening the trarrifs and technology prohibitions - even as internally Biden officials admitted that these were not working. And now Trump 2.0 is the confirmatory. Since 2018 the Chinese have been preparing for this.

Internally they have been ditching US Treasuries and buying gold - especially after they saw what happed to Russia's western investments. They have also been boosting or concentrating production on high tech production and latterly on consumer domestic consumption. This has led laterly to China becoming dominate in key markets such as EVs and Solar, and some areas of AI as examples. The Chinese have also ramped up military production, and are taking notes from the Russia/Ukraine War.

Externally, they have strenghtened links with BRICS and other countries. China has looked for alternative markets for both finished goods and primary/intermediate goods, as well as come to dominate supply chains from resources to finshed products - including increases in trade cooperation with Russia over a sfer land boarder than relying on maritime chokepoints. This

includes integration into Belt and Road.

As for the US the trade gap has widened immeasurably. While China's worldwide trade volume has increased, China has reduced what they import from the US, either through increased domestic production or importing from other sources. At the same time the US has imported more from

China, including critical materials for its defence industry.

The question I have then becomes in a trade war - who is more dependent on whom? China that has diversified its market and invested in production/infrastructure, or the US who increasingly spends more on defence but neglects its industry and infrastructure relying on imports to meet its needs?

The other issue germaine to the above topic is that if Trump sees tarrifs as an impliment of foreign policy to bring other states to heel, might not China and even Russia begin to look more attractive as trade partners?

Still early days yet.

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Another fine summary of weekly events, hope you can do at least one a week .

Hope they don't blow us all up before illenskies relinquishes his illgotten piana...

Trump is spiritually from New yersey.

They call it the garden state, I never saw no garden in the time I was there. But I can confirm Korea has liberated Fort Lee, congratulations.

My point is, New yersey only exists until you have driven outta there, and Trump is driving outta bidensville which will fade into a twilight of terror past if we survive, he around Delaware now in UkroNam mobile....

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The only purpose of the USA is to defend the Jew and its illegal nuclear armed genocidal headquarters on stolen Palestinian lands.

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NEW Trump's doctrine. He was president of the United States before, wasn't he?

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